Friday, February 04, 2005

Teaching statistics to medical students using PBL: the Australian experience

BMC Medical Education

Problem-based learning (PBL) is gaining popularity as a teaching method in UK medical schools, but statistics and research methods are not being included in this teaching. There are great disadvantages in omitting statistics and research methods from the main teaching. PBL is well established in Australian medical schools. The Australian experience in teaching statistics and research methods in curricula based on problem-based learning may provide guidance for other countries, such as the UK, where this method is being introduced.
All Australian medical schools using PBL were visited, with two exceptions. Teachers of statistics and medical education specialists were interviewed. For schools which were not visited, information was obtained by email.
No Australian medical school taught statistics and research methods in a totally integrated way, as part of general PBL teaching. In some schools, statistical material was integrated but taught separately, using different tutors. In one school, PBL was used only for 'public health' related subjects. In some, a parallel course using more traditional techniques was given alongside the PBL teaching of other material. This model was less successful than the others.
There are several difficulties in implementing an integrated approach. However, not integrating is detrimental to statistics and research methods teaching, which is of particular concern in the age of evidence-based medicine. Some possible ways forward are suggested.


faadimalik said...

This statistical subject has been very informative in his course.
regards, saad from
Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences
Chandka Medical College

faadimalik said...

I have asked one thing that this nice article has been very informative for the peoples.
regards, saad from
University of Kelaniya
De La Salle University
Presindency University

Saad Amir said...

Post about Teaching statistics to medical students using PBL is helpful for human beings.
regards, Infolx