As we know, there are two main organizations which analyse and report rankings of universities over the world.
1. Times Higher Education Supplement, THES, (for 200-top list)
2. Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong (SJT) University (for 500-top list)
We already know whether we are on the 2004 list. It is "Law of Karma". Wrong policies never give good results. And now we are given another new policy (about how to give a budget to universities), which I do not think it would make us be in the World Class University List. However, it is beyond a scope of this post that is about ranking criteria.
Criteria of THES:
- Peer Review Score
- Int'l Faculty Score
- Int'l Student Score
- Faculty/Student Score
- Citation/Faculty Score
You can find more detail at
For the criteria of SJT University, there are four criteria and six indicators.
1. Quality of Education
- Alumni of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals: 10%
2. Quality of Faculty
- Staff of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals: 20%
- Highly cited researchers in 21 broad subject categories: 20%
3. Research Output
- Articles published in Nature and Science: 20%
(For institutions specialized in humanities and social sciences, N&S is not considered, and the weight of N&S is relocated to other indicators.)
- Articles in Science Citation Index-expanded and Social Science Citation Index: 20%
4. Size of Institute
- Academic performance with respect to the size of an institution: 10%
And here are the data sources SJT University uses:
- Nobel laureates
- Fields Medals
- Highly cited researchers
- Articles published in Nature and Science
- Articles in Science Citation Index-expanded and Social Science Citation Index
It does not mean that all those criteria are perfect, but at least it gives us ideas how to improve our universities.
1 comment:
This post is better for us about "World Class University Ranking Criteria".
regards, Infolx
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